

Friday, December 28, 2012

xtab using proc report and tabulate

Here is an example to transpose data to a cross tab report using proc report and proc tabulate.

data input ;
  do _n_ = 26 to 31 ;
    do year = 2009 to 2012 ;
      date = put( mdy( 12, _n_, 2012 ), yymmdd10. ) ;
      value = round( ranuni( 1 ) * 1000, .01 ) ;
      output ;
    end ;
  end ;
run ;

The below image contains the results of both procedures. The top result is from proc report followed by proc tabulate.

ods listing close ;
ods pdf file = "c:\temp\xtab.pdf" startpage = no style = sasweb ;
  proc report data = input nowd ;
    column date year, value ('Daily Total' value = value2) ;
    define date   / group  '' ;
    define year   / across  '' ;
    define value  / analysis sum '' format = dollar10.2 ;
    define value2 / analysis sum '' f = dollar10.2 ;
    rbreak after / dol skip summarize ;
    compute after ;
      date = 'Total' ;
    endcomp ;
  run ;
  proc tabulate data = input ;
    class date year ;
    var   value ;
          date = '' all = 'Total'
      , ( year = '' all = 'Daily Total' ) * value = '' 
            * sum = '' * f = dollar10.2 ;
  run ;
ods pdf close ;
ods listing ;

Thursday, December 20, 2012

ODS TEXT = symbol

This blog post covers how to add a symbol from a font, in this case the up arrow from the Wingdings font.  The symbol I wanted to use was not a unicode character that I could find so I contacted SAS technical support.

If you use the Windows Character Map ( Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Character Map ), you will see the value as 0xE9.  This can be converted to a numeric value using a hex input format as follows:

value = input( 'E9', hex2. ) ;

An alternative way is to use Microsoft Word, click on the Insert toolbar then Symbols ribbon to open the Symbol dialog box (see below).

Now to render the 233 Wingdings symbol in ODS TEXT= do the following:

ODS TEXT = "^{style[font_face=Wingdings]%sysfunc(byte(233))}" ;