

Thursday, June 7, 2012

GetAttribs( dsn )

If you ever need to add a column in the middle of a SAS data set it can be problematic since the program data vector (PDV) controls the order. As a result, I wrote the below macro to expedite the process by writing column attributes to the SAS log. From there I can review then copy and paste the content into a new program.
%macro getattribs( dsn )  ;
  %if %sysfunc( exist( &dsn ) ) %then %do ;
    %let dsn = %upcase( &dsn ) ;
    %if %index( &dsn, . ) %then %do ;
      %let libname = %scan( &dsn, 1, . ) ;
      %let memname = %scan( &dsn, 2, . ) ;
    %end ;
    %else %do ;
      %let libname = WORK ;
      %let memname = &dsn ;
    %end ;
    data _null_ ;
      length line $512 ;
      put /  "Attributes of data set: &dsn"
         //  'attrib' ;
      do until( eof ) ;
        set sashelp.vcolumn end = eof ;
        where libname = "&libname" and memname = "&memname"  ;
        line = cat( strip( name )
          , ' length = ', ifc( type = 'char', '$', '' ), strip( put( length, 5. ) )
          , ifc( missing( label ), ' ', cat( ' label = "', strip( label ), '" '  ) )
          , ifc( missing( informat ), ' ', catx( ' ', ' informat =', informat ) ), ' '
          , ifc( missing( format ), ' ', catx( ' ', ' format =', format ) )
        ) ;
        put +2 line ;
     end ;
     put ';'  ;
     stop ;
   run ;
 %end ;
 %else %put NOTE: Data set &dsn does not exist. ;
%mend ;

%getattribs( )

Attributes of data set: SASHELP.CARS attrib Make length = $13 Model length = $40 Type length = $8 Origin length = $6 DriveTrain length = $5 MSRP length = 8 format = DOLLAR8. Invoice length = 8 format = DOLLAR8. EngineSize length = 8 label = "Engine Size (L)" Cylinders length = 8 Horsepower length = 8 MPG_City length = 8 label = "MPG (City)" MPG_Highway length = 8 label = "MPG (Highway)" Weight length = 8 label = "Weight (LBS)" Wheelbase length = 8 label = "Wheelbase (IN)" Length length = 8 label = "Length (IN)" ; NOTE: There were 15 observations read from the data set SASHELP.VCOLUMN. WHERE (libname='SASHELP') and (memname='CARS');

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