

Friday, May 17, 2013

Holidays Macro

There are times when you need to account for holidays when performing date calculations. The below holidays macro creates a data set of holidays for the specified year range. It makes adjustments for holidays that fall on a weekend such as Independence Day in 2015 which is adjusted to July 3, 2015.

*     Program:
*      Author: Tom Bellmer
*     Created: 17MAY2013  
*     Purpose: create a list of holidays for the specified years
*       Usage: %holidays( startyear = 2013, stopyear = 2014 )
*       Notes: use with a hash object to determine holiday adjustments

%macro holidays
      startyear = 2010
    , stopyear  = 2050
    , outdsn    = work.holidays
    , view      = y
  ) ;

  data &outdsn.  
    %if %lowcase( %substr( &view, 1, 1 ) ) = y %then / view = &outdsn. ;
      year    length   =   3  label = 'Year'
      date    length   =   4  label = 'Date'        format = date9.
      dayofweek length = $16  label = 'Day of Week'
      holiday length   = $32  label = 'Holiday'

    array aholidays[ 10, 2 ] $32 _temporary_ 
          "NewYear",        "New Year's Day"
        , "MLK",            "Martin L King, Jr. birthday"
        , "USPresidents",   "President's birthdays"
        , "Memorial",       "Memorial Day"
        , "USIndependence", "Independence Day"
        , "Labor",          "Labor Day"
        , "Columbus",       "Columbus Day"
        , "VeteransUSG",    "Veterans Day"
        , "Thanksgiving",   "Thanksgiving Day"
        , "Christmas",      "Christmas"

    do year = &startyear. to &stopyear. ;

      do _n_ = 1 to dim( aholidays, 1 ) ;
        date = holiday( aholidays[ _n_, 1 ], year ) ;
        /* adjust date forward on Sunday or back on Saturday */
        date = intnx( 'day', date
                 , choosen( weekday( date ), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ) ) ;
        dayofweek = put( date, downame.-l ) ;
        holiday = aholidays[ _n_, 2 ] ;
        output ;
      end ;

    end ;

  run ;

%mend ;

/* EOF:  */

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