It is often advantageous or required to add a SAS data set to a remote database. The below example adds the SASHELP.CLASS data set to SQL Server as a global ##temp table. The below image reveals that the SAS data set appears in SQL Server's Management Studio (SSMS) under the Databases | System Databases | tempdb | Temporary Tables node prior to clearing the sqltemp libref.
This example utilizes the %getconnection macro to stream back the connection string. Information on that macro can be found here.
libname sqltemp odbc noprompt = "%getconnection( server = prod )" bcp = yes connection = global ; /* add last date into SQL Server ##temp table */ data sqltemp.'##sasclass'n ; set sashelp.class ; run ; proc sql ; connect to odbc ( "%getconnection( server = prod )" ) ; create table sqlclass as select * from connection to odbc ( select * from ##sasclass ) ; disconnect from odbc ; quit ; libname sqltemp clear ;
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