

Sunday, February 8, 2015

ODS Styled Brochure

The below code shows how you can create a SAS ODS PDF styled brochure. Picture formats are used along with the dynamic putn() function to display the numeric attributes of the Audi R8. The source code reveals how to use ODS TEXT = with various ~{style}s. Proc report headers and borders are suppressed via rules = none and frame = void settings. Here is a link to the generated PDF file

proc format ;
   picture engine low - high = "099" ( prefix = 'v' ) ;
   picture mph    low - high = "999 mph" ;
   picture lbs    low - high = "9,999 (lb)" ;
   picture sec    low - high = "09.9 sec." ( mult = 10 ) ;
run ;

data x ;
  input name & $32. val format $ ;
  datalines ;
  Engine  10 engine.
  Horsepower  550 comma.-l
  0 to 60 mph  3.3 sec.
  Top Speed  197 mph.
  Price as Configured  198800 dollar9.
  Curb Weight  3660 lbs.
run ;

data r8( keep = bullet name value ) ;
  bullet = "6c"x ;
  set x ;
  value = putn( val, format ) ;
run ;

  orientation = portrait ;

ods escapechar = '~'  
  noproctitle ;
title ;
footnote ;

ods listing close ;
ods pdf
  file         = "c:\temp\audir8.pdf"
  author       = "&sysuserid."
  dpi          = 300
  subject      = "Audi R8"
  bookmarklist = hide
  startpage    = no ;

  ods text = "~{style
    [ preimage = 'c:\temp\auditruth.jpg'
      fontsize = 28pt
      fontweight = bold]          2015 Audi R8}" ;
  ods text = "~{style
    [ outputwidth = 100%
      borderbottomcolor = red
      borderbottomwidth = 1pt ]}" ;
  ods text = "~2n" ;
  ods text = "~{style
    [ preimage = 'c:\temp\audir8blue.jpg' 
      just     = center ]}" ;

  proc report
    data = r8
    style( report ) = [ rules = none frame = void ] ;

    column bullet name value ;
    define bullet / style( column ) = [ font_face = wingdings just = c ] ;
    define name   / style( column ) = [ font_face = arial font_size = 18pt ] ;
    define value  / style( column ) = [ font_face = arial font_size = 18pt ] ;
  run ;

ods pdf close ;
ods listing ;

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