Enterprise Guide (EG) supports keyboard macro abbreviations to write out snippets of code directly into a program editor. This makes it easy to supply preset code in a consistent manner without having to remember the syntax.
From the EG menu, select Program | Add Abbreviation Macro… or use Ctrl+Shift+A. Use the below dialog to enter your own abbreviation (e.g. _sql) and associated code in the Text to insert: section.
You can delete, edit, rename or export existing abbreviations or import existing keyboard macro functions (.KMF extension) by selecting Program | Editor Macros | Macros from the menu.
Below is the resulting output of the _hash keyboard macro abbreviation.
data outdsn; if 0 then set hashdsn; /* Prime the PDV */ dcl hash h(dataset: "hashdsn"); h.definekey('keyvar'); h.definedata('keyvar1', 'datavar1'); h.definedone(); do until(eof); set otherdsn end = eof; if h.find() ne 0 then call missing(keyvar1, datavar1); output; end; stop; run;