

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Stacking datasets

A frequent task is to stack SAS datasets segregated by a time period such as a year/month over time to analyze trends. An easy way to do that is to use the colon modifier as a wildcard at the end of a known pattern. That technique is used to read in data sets starting with x_ or in the second example by the more specific x_2017 and x_2018 patterns.

Sometimes you may have this type of yyyymm pattern, but only want to read in for a set period of time such as 201711 to 201802. The third example uses a macro to handle that scenario. Of course this macro can be augmented to support a where clause or to drop/keep a list of variables.

proc datasets lib = work nolist kill;

data x_201711 x_201712 x_201801 x_201802;
   call streaminit(1);
   do i = 1 to 4;
      state = fipnamel(ceil(rand('uniform')*50));
           if i = 1 then output x_201711;
      else if i = 2 then output x_201712;
      else if i = 3 then output x_201801;
      else if i = 4 then output x_201802;

data stack1;
   set x_:;
data stack2;
   set x_2017: x_2018: ;

%macro stackds(
   , dsnout=
   , startyyyymm=
   , endyyyymm=
   , where_clause=
   , drop=

   %let start      = %sysfunc(inputn(&startyyyymm.01, anydtdte9.));
   %let end        = %sysfunc(inputn(&endyyyymm.01, anydtdte9.));
   %let diff       = %sysfunc(intck(month, &start, &end));
   data &dsnout;
      %do i = 0 %to &diff;
         %let yyyymm = %sysfunc(putn(%sysfunc(intnx(month,&start,&i,b)),yymmn6.));
      %if &where_clause ne %then %do;
         where &where_clause;
      %if &drop ne %then %do;
        drop &drop;
     dsnin = x_
   , dsnout = stack3
   , startyyyymm = 201711
   , endyyyymm = 201802
   , where_clause = state = 'Utah'
   , drop = i)

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