

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

find text in a file


Over time we tend to collect a large number of program files.  It never fails that after much time has past that you need to access some code in a file but can't recall which program the keyword was in.

I work on a Linux operating system so I can use the GREP command to handle the task but I never remember the syntax options and do not like the way the data is returned.  That is why I wrote a macro named %findtext() that handles this for you in SAS via the use of a PIPE command.

If want to work for the keyword 'bitwise' in all SAS programs in a folder and any sub-folders that GREP command will be as follows:

> grep -nRi 'updatestagingdetails' '/em_data1/prod/macro' --include=*.sas

/em_data1/prod/macro/       %updatestagingdetails(env_out=&env_out.);

/em_data1/prod/macro/*     Program:

/em_data1/prod/macro/*       Usage: %updatestagingdetails(dsn=work.stagingdetails,env_out=%env())

/em_data1/prod/macro/ updatestagingdetails( dsn  = work.stagingdetails, env_out = %env() ) ;

/em_data1/prod/macro/*EOF: */

Notice in the above output that the values are separated by a colon (:) and it is overall hard to read in my opinion.  This is where the SAS SCAN and FIND functions come into play to create a cleaner easier to read result.

The SAS macro call will be as follows (only the first two parameters are required):


  path      = /em_data1/prod/macro

 , text     = updatestagingdetails 

  , ignorecase   = Y

  , exactmatch   = N

  , extension    = sas

  , outdsn       = findtextresults

  , printresults = Y





      Author: Tom Bellmer

Responsible: Tom Bellmer

     Created: 08/10/2020 @ 3:00:45 PM

SAS Version: SAS 9.4 (TS1M6)

          OS: LIN X64

     Purpose: read the contents of files searching for the string value

       Usage: %findtext(path = /folder, string = sql);

       Notes: colon is used as output separator.  Scan() function had issues

              with third column that contained colons.

  Parameters: path = (folder path to be searched)

              text = (text to be searched inside each file)

              ignorecase = Y/N to ignore the case of the &string.

              exactmatch = N/Y to match whole &string value

              extension = sas (file extension, use * for all files)

              outdsn = findtextresults (output data set name)

              printresults = Y (proc print the results? Y/N)


                             Modifications in descending order

FL-YYYYMMDD                             Description

----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------


         1    1    2    2    3    3    4    4    5    5    6    6    7    7    8




%macro findtext(

    path         =

  , text         =

  , ignorecase   = Y

  , exactmatch   = N

  , extension    = sas

  , outdsn       = findtextresults

  , printresults = Y



  %local options i;

  %do i = 1 %to 100;

    %local pathname&i;



  %if %isblank(&path) %then %do;

    %put %str(E)RROR: Must pass in a value for path.;




  %if %isblank(&text) %then %do;

    %put %str(E)RROR: Must pass in a value for text.;




  /*   i = ignores case, n = show matched line number

     , R = recursively,  w = match whole word  */

  %let options = -nR;

  %if %upcase(&ignorecase) = Y %then %let options = &options.i;

  %if %upcase(&exactmatch) = Y %then %let options = &options.w;


  filename search pipe "grep &options '&text' '&path' --include='*.&extension'";

  data &outdsn(drop = fullfilename findpos);


      Path         length = $256 label = 'Path'

      Filename     length = $128 label = 'Filename'

      Lineno       length = 8    label = 'Line No'

      Code         length = $256 label = 'Code'

      Fullfilename length = $256 label = 'Full Filename'



    infile search;


    fullfilename = scan(_infile_, 1':');

    filename     = scan(fullfilename, -1"/");

    path         = substr(_infile_, 1, lengthn(fullfilename) - lengthn(filename));

    lineno       = input(scan(_infile_, 2':'), 8.);

    findpos      = find(_infile_, ":");

    findpos      = find(_infile_, ":", findpos + 1);

    code         = substr(_infile_, findpos + 1);


  filename search clear;


  %if %getattr(dsn = &outdsn, attr = nlobs) = 0 %then %do;

    proc sql;

      insert into &outdsn

        set path     = "&path"

          , filename = "N/A"

          , lineno   = 0

          , code     = "No results were found using '&text'"





  %if %upcase(%substr(&printresults, 11)) = Y %then %do;

    proc sql noprint;

      select   distinct path

      into     :pathname1 -

      from     &outdsn;



    title "Search results for: &text";

    %if &sqlobs = 1 %then %do;

      title2 "In Path: &pathname1";


    proc print data = &outdsn;

      %if &sqlobs = 1 %then %do;

         var filename lineno code;







/*EOF: */

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