Modeling data sets often have binary flag variable to indicate if a condition is true or false. Sometimes those indicators need to be collapsed or recoded into a single value based on conditions. See the below code for one technique to handle this.
if s_del30postscratch_ind = 1 then curr_delinquency = "D30";
else if s_del60postscratch_ind = 1 then curr_delinquency = "D60";
else if s_del90postscratch_ind = 1 then curr_delinquency = "D90";
else if s_del120postscratch_ind = 1 then curr_delinquency = "D120";
else if s_del150postscratch_ind = 1 then curr_delinquency = "D150";
else if s_del180postscratch_ind = 1 then curr_delinquency = "D180+";
else curr_delinquency = "Current";
An alternative way to do the same thing in SAS using two arrays is as follows:
array avars s_del30postscratch_ind s_del60postscratch_ind s_del90postscratch_ind
s_del120postscratch_ind s_del180postscratch_ind;
array anames[5] $8 _temporary_ ('D30', 'D60', 'D90', 'D120', 'D180+');
do _n_ = 1 to dim(avars);
if avars[_n_] = 1 then curr_delinquency = anames[_n_];
if sum(of avars[*]) = 0 then curr_delinquency = 'Current';
Here is the entire array technique complete with some sample data. The temporary array has the same number of elements so the relative offset matches and makes this a better, more eloquent technique that can be expanded to easily support more if statements if that is what you encounter. Notice the use of the double dash (--) to specify the start and stop columns to process that can be used as a shortcut. Just a different way to do the same thing.
data x;
length curr_delinquency $8;
input s_del30postscratch_ind s_del60postscratch_ind s_del90postscratch_ind
s_del120postscratch_ind s_del180postscratch_ind;
array avars s_del30postscratch_ind -- s_del180postscratch_ind;
array anames[5] $8 _temporary_ ('D30', 'D60', 'D90', 'D120', 'D180+');
do _n_ = 1 to dim(avars);
if avars[_n_] = 1 then curr_delinquency = anames[_n_];
if sum(of avars[*]) = 0 then curr_delinquency = 'Current';
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
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