SAS ODS styles provide opportunities to enhance the appearance of reports. To do this it is required to set an ODS escapechar to establish the inline formatting symbol. I like to use the tilde (~) symbol as in ODS escapechar = "~" ;.
Once the escapechar has been established, use it to set style properties using this syntax "~{style[ property = value ]text to display}" ;.
If you want to have a centered title with a thin red line underneath it spanning the full width of the page, use the width = 100% value (outputwidth= can also be used). The first example below uses the default width= value and is not what was desired. The second attempt works as expected.
options nodate nonumber ; ods listing close ; ods escapechar = "~" ; ods pdf file = "c:\temp\partialline.pdf" ; title j = c "~{style[ borderbottmcolor = red borderbottomwidth = 0.5pt color = black]SASHELP.CLASS Report}" ; proc report data = sashelp.class( obs = 2 ) ; run ; ods pdf close ; ods pdf file = "c:\temp\fullline.pdf" ; title j = c "~{style[ borderbottmcolor = red borderbottomwidth = 0.5pt width = 100% color = black]SASHELP.CLASS Report}" ; proc report data = sashelp.class( obs = 2 ) ; run ; ods pdf close ; ods listing ; UPDATE: 21Dec2015 - from SAS Tech support to create horizontal line across page in ODS PDF: ODS PDF TEXT = "~{style[ borderbottomcolor = red borderbottomwidth = 0.5pt width = 100%] }" ;
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